Darrek Robertson

Darrek Robertson (3.0)

Last online: 2019-04-09 at 07:25 PM

Player info


Lives in: Westerville, OH

Gender: Male

Age: 53

Skill Level: 3.0 Intermediate

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Game Type: Singles & Doubles

Game Style: Casual / Fun

Best time to play: Mornings and some sunsets under the lights.

Personal Website: Http://westervillephoto.com

I am 48 years old, and I love to chase the tennis ball, racquetball anything with a racquet! I am looking to play a few sets a few times a week for exercise. I am not worried if you are younger faster or better, I just need to sweat. I was on the tennis team 25 years ago, since then I mostly played rball, but tennis is cheap, fun and everywhere. Let me know, Darrek

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