Chris R

Chris R (2.0)

Last online: 2018-07-04 at 02:28 AM

Player info


Lives in: Castro Valley, CA

Gender: Male

Age: 2024

Skill Level: 2.0 Beginner

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Game Type: Singles

Game Style: Any style

Best time to play: weeknights after 7 and weekends

Relatively new to the sport. Looking for someone at my skill level or just a little better to help each other improve. Or perhaps an advanced player with patience. I can keep a rally. Still need to be mindful of form meaning it's not second nature yet. I am naturally athletic. I played tennis albeit with improper form and potential for habits, before I ever had a lesson. I've taken one lesson and it helped me a lot. Grew up playing other court sports like handball, paddleball and racquetball so tennis is just a natural progression. Wish I would have started younger.

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