Alina Wilczynski

Alina Wilczynski (3.5)

Last online: 2020-09-01 at 09:17 PM

Player info


Lives in: Rocky Point, NY

Gender: Female

Age: 2024

Skill Level: 3.5 Advanced Intermediate

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Game Type: Singles

Game Style: Casual / Fun

Best time to play: Any Morning of the Week or Weekend

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Best described, I have a love affair with tennis... When I don't get to play, I'll pick up games in my dreams... I lived at the courts during my HS years, and played the top spot for my college team, then did some occasional coaching... Rust has settled into my kickin' forehand and my beloved hitting partner moved out of the area, so i'm looking forward to finding a new posse of players on Long Island who love the game as much as I do... I'm not hyper competitive, I just love to get out there and rally... Maybe play some points but keeping it casual, keeping it real, getting my game out of my dreams and onto the hard court... Meet you there! :) P.S. I rated myself a 3.5 to reflect the rust at the moment... At my peak, I am a 4.0 - 4.5... In my dreams, a 5.0 of course...

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