Daniel Navarro

Daniel Navarro (3.5)

Last online: 2017-06-21 at 06:20 PM

Player info


Lives in: Bronx, NY

Gender: Male

Age: 2024

Skill Level: 3.5 Advanced Intermediate

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Game Type: Singles

Game Style: Any style

Best time to play: Every day afternoon, around 4:00pm or later.

Personal Website: http://www.facebook.com/djnav1990

New in NYC. Looking for new friends to play tennis with. I used to go to Hudson River Park near WTC, but any place with a tennis court would do the job! I've been playing for 6 years now. As per game, I have been working on my hitting consistency improving a lot of it, as well as my backhand, so I'm able to keep up a continuous hitting, but sometimes I got carried away and and I could get a bit impatient. Therefore I'm looking for someone who can help me out working on that by playing regularly. Competitive experience, so I'm up to challenges. As a person, I'm a Venezuelan guy easygoing, well friendly open minded. So hit me up and let's hit some balls and maybe have a beer later because, why not?! hehe

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