J. Beaulieu

J. Beaulieu (2.0)

Last online: 2016-10-25 at 07:52 AM

Player info


Lives in: Springfield, MA

Gender: Male

Age: 2024

Skill Level: 2.0 Beginner

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Game Type: Singles

Game Style: Casual / Fun

Best time to play: Currently, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons are the best time. More broadly speaking, daytime during the middle of the week works for me.

I am looking for a way to stay in shape this winter. Casual tennis play (as a means of exercise) is one possibility that I'm exploring. In this context, the Ludlow Tennis Club came across my radar screen. If you're a member, you can play in their *indoor* facility. This would be perfect for staying in shape during the winter. Membership fee is $220 ($355 for two). I'd gladly join, but, the problem is, I have no one to play tennis with. Thus my interest in www.letsplaytennis.com. Contact me if 1) You'd be willing to join the club with me (so that we have an indoor facility to use for the winter) and 2) your schedule affords you ample playing time in the middle of the week during the day (giving us enough flexibility to make it worth our while to pay the membership fee). P.s.: If you know of a different indoor tennis facility, I'm open to that, too.

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