Jr Giovino

Jr Giovino (4.5)

Last online: 2017-03-15 at 07:44 PM

Player info


Lives in: Garland, TX

Gender: Male

Age: 2024

Skill Level: 4.5 Advanced Competitor

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Game Type: Singles & Doubles

Game Style: Competitive

Best time to play: Almost anytime - Days, Nights, Weekends.

Played competitive tennis in High School, and then tournaments through my 20's. Long break having kids, career, picked it back up in my 40's, played 4.5-5.0 men's daily morning crew @ Brookhaven CC for a couple years, got hurt, dropped it for 10 years, and picking it back up again now. Trying to get back to playing tournaments, and leagues. I'm getting the strokes back, the timing is coming, and the footwork and stamina are a challenge, but I'm trying to put in the time to get everything working well. Happy to hit with players who push the game, guys or gals doesn't matter to me. Willing to share in a drive to meet up.

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