Lars Nickolai

Lars Nickolai (1.5)

Last online: 2020-04-23 at 03:57 PM

Player info


Lives in: Alhambra, CA

Gender: Male

Age: 33

Skill Level: 1.5 Advanced Novice

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Game Type: Singles

Game Style: Competitive

Best time to play:

hi, my name is Lars, 29 years old and I have played tennis before but pretty much consider myself a total beginner. I have a history of playing sport for my whole life but last 3 years and looking to find people to play with in a competitive manner while having fun. I live in alhambra and be willing to travel up to 30 min to a court. Not sure if 1.5 is accurate but I should definetely be worse than 2.5. Ideally I'm looking for someone who is slightly better than me and would want to keep playing that person until I overcome it. During the crisis I can play anywhere from 10 am up to 8pm. when things are back to normal, I'm available 2pm-11pm

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