John Atwood

John Atwood (5.0)

Last online: 2020-08-09 at 09:42 PM

Player info


Lives in: Natick, MA

Gender: Male

Age: 72

Skill Level: 5.0 Expert

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Game Type: Singles

Game Style: Casual / Fun

Best time to play: Anytime after 830 AM

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Started tennis young and played for Univ. of Miami tennis team and coached Univ of Michigan women's tennis team. All this happened shortly after World War 2 - - - well, more accurately after Vietnam so I'm 68. I still hit pretty hard with a lot of rhythm, but needless to say, I've lost a step (or 2, maybe 10). I have a rotator cuff problem so I don't serve much, and really just like to hit and get a workout and have some fun. I'm truly not sure what level I'd be listed at now as I used to be much above a 5.0 and now I may be below but I still have all the shots, hit well with good power, and move adequately. I love to hit with smooth rhythm so for years I have found a lot of women players have been good practice partners so I'm happy to play with men or women who are steady hitters. Please connect with me if that sounds good. Be well, John

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