Last online: 2020-10-06 at 07:37 PM

Player info


Lives in: Severn, MD

Gender: Male

Age: 63

Skill Level: 1.0 Novice

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Game Type: Singles

Game Style: Casual / Fun

Best time to play: Some Weekday, Mostly Weekends

In high school and college I played basketball and baseball. Never touched a tennis racket. With this pandemic, those sports are not appropriate to social distance. I picked up tennis because I did not like golf and I do not consider golf a great sport. Tennis, in contrast, incorporates: running, mobility, focus and physical skill without being extremely close to your opponent. I just started and I just can't get enough! LOL! I keeps me in shape and provides a good sweat! (Only a few weeks left to play outside! LOL!) Please contact me if you are interested! Thank you.

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