Chris B (not 87yo)

Chris B (not 87yo) (4.0)

Last online: 2023-06-25 at 07:34 AM

Player info


Lives in: Richmond, VA

Gender: Male

Age: 88

Skill Level: 4.0 Competitor

We'll send a SMS and Email.

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Game Type: Singles & Doubles

Game Style: Any style

Best time to play: Any Day After 5:30... Weekends In the Morning Hours before 12 work best but I'm wide open and willing to make changes for a good practice or match play.

Looking to play more tennis. I use to play at Byrd park back in the day. Stop playing there as my my courts because of the poor job they did on the new surface. But I am more than willing to hit there. St. Christopher's U of R, Highland Springs, Sandston, Varina, Ashe, Rockwood are places that I hit at some if you are looking to hit...let me know. -Chris

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