Shelly Perlman

Shelly Perlman (1.5)

Last online: 2015-02-07 at 12:08 PM

Player info


Lives in: West Palm Beach, FL

Gender: Female

Age: 2024

Skill Level: 1.5 Advanced Novice

We'll send an Email.

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Game Type: Singles & Doubles

Game Style: Casual / Fun

Best time to play: Almost anytime from noon to 9pm - just write me

Just discovered my passion for tennis! Have a tennis court where I live and rackets, etc. I can play "Pretty ok" for a begginer and want to practice and play a lot so I need people to play with:) I am not going for pro, I'm doing this for fun and exercise and being healthy, not planning on going to the Olympics or anything. I like to play as hard as I can but willing to play with anyone! Just give me someone to play with! lol

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