Nate Currier

Nate Currier (3.5)

Last online: 2019-10-25 at 02:53 PM

Player info


Lives in: San Rafael, CA

Gender: Male

Age: 32

Skill Level: 3.5 Advanced Intermediate

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Best time to play:

Hey! I'm a bay area native who just moved to Chicago. Used to being able to play outside year round, haha. I don't even know where to play around here--I'm currently staying around Edgewater (haven't settled down an apartment yet) but love tennis dearly and will go just about anywhere to play. I'm probably around a 3.5--maybe 4.0 when I'm playing regularly. I was just tweaking my serve before the move. I have a pretty unorthodox style, and would love to get together and play! Let me know when, and more importantly where (indoor courts? Outdoor for the next month?) Thanks!

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