Aitch K

Aitch K (1.5)

Last online: 2018-10-14 at 04:50 AM

Player info


Lives in: Everett, WA

Gender: Female

Age: 2024

Skill Level: 1.5 Advanced Novice

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Game Type: Singles

Game Style: Casual / Fun

Best time to play: weekends and evenings

I have been learning how to play tennis for the past year by watching YouTube videos "Daily Tennis Lesson". With my daughter I am able to maintain a rally of about 5-7 returns of the ball per rally but she is too busy to play with me. I would really like to get out on tennis courts at least 2x a week for 1 hour (max) each and to keep getting better so that I can play fun-competitively in the future. But, I am in no hurry to get there. I really enjoy being on the court and just hitting the ball back and forth. As long as the court is dry I am interested in playing throughout the winter. I will play with anyone who is interested for sake of playing tennis!

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