David Hilgen

David Hilgen (3.5)

Last online: 2020-06-24 at 08:59 AM

Player info


Lives in: Flemington, NJ

Gender: Male

Age: 2024

Skill Level: 3.5 Advanced Intermediate

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Best time to play:

Personal Website: www.beatthembrewing.com

Looking for opportunities to play tennis all year round. Singles is preferred, but also play doubles. I belong to Flemington Tennis Club (https://www.flemingtontennis.org/), where I play during the summer months. I do not belong to an indoor club, but I'm willing to play outdoors in the winter, weather permitting. (Note: If you play indoors and need a sub for your weekly doubles match, let me know.) Work from home often, so I can schedule a midday match or any time during the weekend. Also looking for any public courts in the area that remain open during the winter. (It seems like no one leaves the nets up year round anymore. What's up with that?)

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